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AATCC TM 100: Antibacterial Finishes on Textile Materials: Assessment of

Purpose and Goals

  • Evaluate and compare the antimicrobial activity of multiple textiles in laboratory-controlled testing. 


  • This testing will be performed according to the standard AATCC TM100. Circular textile swatches will be placed into a sterilized jar, inoculated with a liquid microbial suspension, and incubated at the test organism’s ideal growth temperature (such as 37°C) for 24 hours or a specified contact time. At the end of the contact time, the textile’s antimicrobial activity will be neutralized. The microbes remaining on the swatches will be recovered into a solution which will be dilution-plated on nutritive agar to provide quantifiable viable microbial burden data for each sample.
  • Testing will include the microbial strains:
    • Klebsiella pneumoniae (ATCC 4352 standard), a Gram-negative bacteria.
    • Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 6538 standard), a Gram-positive bacteria.
    • Pseudomonas aeruginosa (strain TBD), a Gram-negative bacteria.
  • Testing will include 24 total data points per microbial strain:
    • 2 materials (1 test textiles and 1 provided/in-house negative control)
      • Note: Please provide at least 10 grams of each material per time-point. 
    • 2 time-points (0 and 24 hours)
    • 3 replicates per sample at each test condition
    • 2 independent tests
  • Note: Optional GLP services are available for an additional 25% fee.
  • Note: Bulk discounts are available for 4+ samples.

Data Analysis

  • In-house control results will be used to verify test validity. 
  • Data will be calculated to determine the quantifiable microbial burden in colony-forming units per gram of textile material (CFU/g) remaining on each sample.
  • Data will be analyzed to determine the consistency between replicate samples in each set (n=6).
  • Data will be analyzed to determine the percent reductions and log reductions of microbial burdens on each/the test material compared to the negative control at each test condition. 

Typical Turn Around Time

  • (per strain) 2 weeks following receipt of the test materials